How Consultants Help Clients Identify Performance Gaps

Performance gaps happen for a variety of reasons and identifying them during your consulting sessions can minimize negative impacts on your client’s business. Gaps from poor company performance can lead to decreased quality, low morale, and attrition, among other issues. They can impact the…

Why Stretch Goals Require a Different Strategy

Stretch goals are not for every company. While all companies have goals, stretch goals are for the company that wants to be truly challenged to reach extraordinary levels. These are goals that push a company's limits, raise expectations to create transformation, and achieve extraordinary results.……

Does Your Client's Company Performance Reflect their Goals?

A successful company sets goals that mirror their vision, purpose, and mission, and their performance should reflect their goals.  

Analyzing the Performance Problem

As a consultant working with your clients to improve company performance, one of the most important things you do is assist them in analyzing performance problems. You and your client’s ability to analyze what is going on with performance and gain insights into a problem can guide improvements.…

What Valuable Feedback Really Looks Like (and How to Use It to Improve Performance)

As a consultant, you rely on valuable feedback from your clients to drive change in their organization. Your clients also rely on the feedback they get from their leaders, employees, customers, and the community. The feedback that is received helps them improve their company. But for optimum…

What Causes Performance Gaps?

Performance gaps negatively impact your client’s business, causing inefficiencies and ineffectiveness that can create a downward spiral in your growth, revenue and profitability. They can appear in any area of the business and might not be immediately noticeable.  These unnoticed issues can…

5 Ways to Address a Performance Gap in a Team

A performance gap can negatively influence the productivity of your client’s team and affect the success of their organization. As their consultant, identifying performance gaps and addressing them quickly are essential to getting them the results they anticipate in their business.   In general,…

Why Analyzing Algorithms are Important for Strategic Planning and Growth

Algorithms are important for strategic planning and growth strategy for business. They help you to understand factors that will affect a company’s ability to fulfil its mission. In addition, they help you to understand bigger problems that your clients and their teams face. But to truly benefit…

How Strategic Training is an Essential Part of Developing Strategy

As we continue to experience massive changes in business across the nation and the world, we can no longer afford to work with our clients on strategic development without including strategic training at every step of the way.   Often, we might think of training for employees as defined by the plan…

Benchmarking Analysis and Why It is Important for Consultants

Benchmarking analysis is an invaluable tool for consultants to help their clients improve performance. It is a process for comparing a brand against another brand across a variety of measurable metrics.  Benchmarking involves comparing current data to historical data. Specifically, performance…