With Profit Enhancer consultants can
Show Value

A predictive model tool that provides a detailed evaluation of a business designed for The Consultant to use.
Identify Revenue

Evaluate a companies position for Growth, Profitability & Sustainability based on 5 principle areas.
Communicate Gaps

A diagnostic tool that allows the consultant to Identify and Communicate specific gaps for the Client
Customer Testimonials
" I Wish I had this tool when I started my company BUT I really wish I had this tool before I took on my last client. Because I would have made a different decision."
L. Harrison
Conyers, Ga
"This software is going to revolutionize the way consultants do business now. I was amazed by the time is has cut. This is technology we have all been waiting on."
B. Davis
Atlanta, GA
Revolutionizing the way Consultants …Consult
This software enhances the performance and the efficiency of the Consultant…. Optimizing Results …Driving the Customer Experience.
The Current Market
There are over 2 million documented Consultants in the U.S. The consulting industry yields on average $340 billion of revenue in the U.S. alone and the industry is projected to reach $445 billion by 2029. The Consulting industry has rapidly expanded worldwide since the pandemic in 2020 and now with the increased use of Artificial Intelligence to improve daily operations, Consultants are expected to perform even better. Department of Labor Studies in 2023 found 1 in 4 new hires leave within 3 months forcing a rise in outsourcing of support services which is now accounting for more than >50% of the staffing support.
Consultants are in Demand…
Industry Studies reports that the consulting industry will experience a Compounding Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.8% between 2024 – 2029. This is the most accurate way to determine outcomes and returns for the industry.
Don’t be left behind or caught off guard when your competitors are surpassing you!
The Profit Enhancer using Custom Algorithms!
- Business Development evaluates the companies strategic plan matched to their actions, behavior patterns and the business model.
- Financial Ability evaluates the companies goals & expectations regarding revenue generating activity and profit margins
- Marketing evaluates the companies touch points, industry positioning and marketing ROI against their client acquisition trends.
- Human Capital evaluates the companies team structure, behavior, customer retention and engagement rates**
- Technology evaluates the companies ability to streamline processes and leverage technology for positioning.