Company performance is key for business success and reaching defined short-term and long-term goals. It’s a vital part of monitoring for growth and progress. As a consultant, knowing your performance is essential to protect your business against any financial and operational issues.  

Is your company performing its best? 

You’ve put in the investment, and you want to know that your investment is performing its best. You want to feel confident that you are making the best decisions about your business. 

Yet, some business owners might only look at the finances as an indicator for performance. Or worse, they might only look at the profit. The finances and profit do not give enough information to make great decisions about your performance.  

Not having enough data is risky when you want to grow and prosper.  

Think of it like this, you look at the bank balance and see that you have money. Your accountant says you are making money. So, you have profits. Do you see consistent profits every month? How much? What have you been doing with your profits? Is it enough for the growth you plan? Is it enough to buy equipment or hire more employees? 

More data will help you answer these and other questions to help you feel confident in your business decisions. Consider how confident you are in how your company makes decisions, tracks and improves its performance regarding the following: 

Goal Setting 

A common business goal is to run a profitable operation, which typically means increasing revenue while limiting expenses. More specifically, a company might look at employee performance goals to improve productivity. Understanding the needs of employees to meet such goals would be necessary. 

Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness 

Incorporating a method that is both effective and efficient is the goal of every business. Essentially a company looks at ratios, such as those that serve as a comparison of expenses made to revenues generated, and how they can improve that ratio. For example, a company might improve efficiency and competitiveness by keeping inventory levels down and speeding up collection of accounts receivable. 

Managing Change 

There is an interesting concern about company performance and managing change. Unless something is done at the beginning of the process to bring both the employer and the employee closer together, both parties will often travel down different paths and fail to arrive at the same destination.  

An example of managing change is how companies performed over the last 20 months. The pandemic created a lot of chaos that required companies to pivot. If you didn’t pivot and if you didn’t analyze and review your company’s performance, you might find yourself in a different frame of mind compared to your employees. But it is not only employees. You could be well behind the competition. You want to be able to manage change effectively and knowing your performance overall and how it compares to the industry (benchmarking) and your competitors (competitive analysis) is essential to do this. 

The knowledge that comes from understanding various metrics on performance is essential to making better business decisions for setting goals, improving efficiency, managing change and other important matters. If you are interested in reviewing and analyzing your company performance, the Profit Enhancer is a great place to start.